List of “JSAC”

  • JSAC2025 -Day 2- Event
    JSAC2025 -Day 2-
    Continuing from the previous blog article, this entry introduces the presentations on the 2nd day of JSAC2025. Observation of phishing criminal groups related to illegal money transfers and Mizuho Bank’s countermeasures -Fighting against phishing site malware ‘KeepSpy’- Speaker: Tsukasa Takeuchi, Takuya Endo, Hiroyuki Yako (Mizuho Financial Group) Slides(English) Tsukasa, Takuya, and Hiroyuki presented Mizuho’s efforts to address phishing attacks, including the analysis of exploited malware and the criminal groups behind...

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  • JSAC2025 -Day 1- Event
    JSAC2025 -Day 1-
    On January 21 and 22, 2025, JPCERT/CC held its annual technical conference JSAC, aiming at enhancing the skills and knowledge of security analysts. The conference brought experts in the field of cyber security together to share technical insights related to incident analysis and response. The event marked its 8th year, and it was held as an offline-only event like the previous year. Over the two-day event, there were 18 presentations,...

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  • JSAC2024 -Workshop & Lightning talk- Event
    JSAC2024 -Workshop & Lightning talk-
    We continue to introduce the talks at JSAC2024. This third issue covers workshops and lightning talks. Workshop Introduction to Investigation of Unauthorised Access to Cloud Speakers: Hayate Hazuru and Takahiro Yamamoto (ITOCHU Cyber Intelligence Inc.), Norihide Saito (Flatt Security Inc.), Daisuke Miyashita (Sterra Security Co.,Ltd.) Hayate, Takahiro, Norihide, and Daisuke explained how the cloud works and the attack methods targeting cloud in their workshop, followed by a log investigation demonstration...

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  • JSAC2024 -Day 2- Event
    JSAC2024 -Day 2-
    This second blog post features the Main Track talks on the Day 2 of JSAC. XFiles: Large-Scale Analysis of Malicious MSIX/APPX Speakers: Kazuya Nomura, Teruki Yoshikawa, Masaya Motoda (NTT Security Japan) Slides (Japanese) The speakers discussed Microsoft’s new packaged files, MSIX and APPX, which have been exploited in recent years in attack campaigns. They explained the points to focus on when analyzing the structure, operation mechanisms, and characteristics of the...

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  • JSAC2024 -Day 1- Event
    JSAC2024 -Day 1-
    JPCERT/CC held JSAC2024 on January 25 and 26, 2024. The purpose of this conference is to raise the knowledge and technical level of security analysts, and we aimed to bring them together in one place where they can share technical knowledge related to incident analysis and response. The conference was held for the seventh time and, unlike last year, returned to a completely offline format. 17 presentations, 3 workshops, and...

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  • JSAC2023 -Day 2 Workshop- Event
    JSAC2023 -Day 2 Workshop-
    We continue to introduce the talks at JSAC2023. This third issue covers the workshops on Day 2. Surviving the hurt locker: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bom Speakers: Simon Vestin, Manabu Niseki (LINE) Simon and Manabu explained the SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) and gave a hands-on session on creating a program to generate one. SBOM is a list of software or system components. They...

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  • JSAC2023 -Day 2- Event
    JSAC2023 -Day 2-
    This article reports on JSAC Day 2, following the previous article about Day1. How Do We Fight against Evolving Go Language Malware? Practical Techniques to Increase Analytical Skills Speakers: Tsubasa Kuwabara (FFRI Security Inc.) Slides (English) Tsubasa presented the current situation and problems of Go language malware, which has been increasing in recent years, and explained basic and advanced analysis techniques. He explained that Go malware was easy to write...

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  • JSAC2023 -Day 1- JSAC
    JSAC2023 -Day 1-
    JPCERT/CC held JSAC2023 on January 25 and 26, 2023. The purpose of this conference is to raise the knowledge and technical level of security analysts in Japan, and we aimed to bring them together in one place where they can share technical knowledge related to incident analysis and response. This year was the sixth time the conference was held, and 12 presentations, 2 workshops, and 7 lightning talks were presented...

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  • JSAC 2022 -Day 2- JSAC
    JSAC 2022 -Day 2-
    This blog post focuses on the Day 2 of JSAC2022, following the previous report on the Day 1.An Introduction to macOS Forensics with Open Source SoftwareSpeaker: Minoru Kobayashi (Internet Initiative Japan Inc.)SlidesVideoMinoru provided the basic knowledge of macOS forensics, and its analysis methods using mac_apt, followed by hands-on training on macOS forensics.He mentioned that when it comes to forensics, information is acquired and analysed at the same priority as macOS...

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  • JSAC 2022 -Day 1- Event
    JSAC 2022 -Day 1-
    JPCERT/CC held JSAC2022 online on January 27, 2022. The purpose of this conference is to raise the knowledge and technical level of security analysts in Japan, and we aimed to bring them together in one place where they can share technical knowledge related to incident analysis and response. This year was the fifth time the conference was held. 9 presentations and 2 workshops, selected from 18 CFP and CFW submissions,...

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