What is ITU-T X.1060? X.1060 Framework for the creation and operation of a cyber defence centre[1]is a recommendation document approved by ITU-T, the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies. It defines a cyber security framework which can be used as a reference by a wide range of organisations, regardless of their sizes or industries. The document illustrates a blueprint for Cyber Defence Centre (hereafter CDC), an entity...
List of “Standard-Guideline”
Hello. I am Noriko Totsuka from Early Warning Group. The Early Warning Group publishes security information such as security alerts and early warning information, as well as JVN Advisories. As a vulnerability coordinator, I am in charge of a series of coordination tasks, from coordinating with developers of target products, including taking countermeasures based on the vulnerability-related information reported to JPCERT/CC by vulnerability finders such as security researchers, to the...