Volatility Plugin for Detecting RedLeaves Malware
Our previous blog entry introduced details of RedLeaves, a type of malware used for targeted attacks. Since then, we’ve seen reports including those from US-CERT that Management Service Providers (MSPs) have been targeted [1] [2]. In the US-CERT report, some instances have been identified where RedLeaves malware has only been found within memory with no on-disk evidence because of the behavior of self-elimination after the infection.
To verify the infection without on-disk evidence, investigation needs to be conducted through memory dump or logs (e.g. proxy logs) stored in network devices.
This article introduces a tool to detect RedLeaves in the memory.
It is available on GitHub:
JPCERTCC/aa-tools · GitHub
Tool Details
The tool works as a plugin for The Volatility Framework (hereafter “Volatility”), a memory forensic tool. redleavesscan.py has the following functions:
- redleavesscan: Detect RedLeaves in memory images
- redleavesconfig: Detect RedLeaves in memory images and extract malware configuration
To run the tool, save redleavesscan.py in ”contrib/plugins/malware” folder within Volatility, and execute the following command:
$python vol.py [redleavesscan|redleavesconfig] –f <memory.image> ––profile=<profile>
Figure 1 shows an example output of redleavesscan. You can see the detected process name (Name), Process ID (PID) and the name of detected malware (Malware Name).
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Figure 2 shows an example output of redleavesconfig. For details about RedLeaves configuration, please see our previous blog entry.
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In closing
It has been confirmed that the attacker group who uses RedLeaves also uses PlugX. To detect PlugX in memory, please use the Volatility plugin released by Airbus [3].
- Shusei Tomonaga
(Translated by Yukako Uchida)
[1] US-CERT: Intrusions Affecting Multiple Victims Across Multiple Sectors
[2] PwC: Operation Cloud Hopper
[3] Volatility plugin for PlugX