Attack Exploiting Legitimate Service by APT-C-60
JPCERT/CC has confirmed an attack against an organization in Japan in August 2024, which the attack group APT-C-60 is likely to have conducted. The attacker sent an email pretending to be a job applicant to the recruitment contact point of the targeted organization to infect its devices with malware. This article explains the attack methods as follows:
- Flow of malware infection
- Analysis of the downloader
- Analysis of the backdoor
- Campaigns involving the same type of malware
Flow of malware infection
Figure 1 shows an overview of the initial penetration.
In this attack, a targeted email was initially sent, and the victim was led to download a file from a Google Drive link in the email. When they access the URL, a VHDX file containing malware is downloaded. VHDX is a file format used for virtual disks, and by mounting it, you can check the contained files. The VHDX file used in this attack contained LNK files and decoy documents, as shown in Figure 2.
The LNK file Self-Introduction.lnk executes IPML.txt using the legitimate executable file git.exe (Figure 3).
In addition, IPML.txt opens the decoy document and creates SecureBootUEFI.dat, which is a downloader, and makes it persistent (Figure 4). The downloader is made persistent through COM hijacking, which registers the path to SecureBootUEFI.dat in the COM interface ID F82B4EF1-93A9-4DDE-8015-F7950A1A6E31.
Analysis of the downloader
Figure 5 shows an overview of the downloader’s behavior.
SecureBootUEFI.dat accesses the legitimate services Bitbucket and StatCounter. The latter one is accessed first, and it is used by the attacker to check the infected device. After the confirmation, the attacker uploads the downloader to Bitbucket. The infected device records its unique information in StatCounter’s referrer, as shown in Figure 6, and thus the attacker probably recognizes each infected device based on this information. The referrer contains the computer name, home directory, and a string that is created by combining the computer name and user name, removing all non-alphabetic characters, and then encoding it with XOR 3. After that, SecureBootUEFI.dat accesses Bitbucket using the URL path containing the encode string included in the referrer, downloads Service.dat, decodes it using the XOR key g73qrc4dwx8jt9qmhi4s, saves it to %Userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Service.dat, and then executes it.
Next, Service.dat downloads two samples from a different Bitbucket repository than SecureBootUEFI.dat. The downloaded samples are cbmp.txt and icon.txt, and they are decoded and saved as cn.dat and sp.dat in %userprofile%\appdata\local\Microsoft\windows\fonts using Base64 and the XOR key AadDDRTaSPtyAG57er#$ad!lDKTOPLTEL78pE. After that, through COM hijacking using the COM interface ID 7849596a-48ea-486e-8937-a2a3009f31a9 as shown in Figure 7, cn.dat is made persistent.
Finally, cn.dat executes sp.dat.
Analysis of the backdoor
The backdoor used in this case is called SpyGrace by ESET[1] The configuration file included in the backdoor contains version information, and the sample we checked shows the version as v3.1.6. SpyGrace v3.0 was reported by ThreatBook CTI[2], and we have confirmed that its types of commands, RC4 keys, AES keys, and other components are identical to those of the samples we confirmed this time. At the resetting phase of the backdoor, the following is executed.
- Reset configuration
- Create mutex (905QD4656:H)
- Check network connectivity (api.ipfy[.]org)
- Execute .exe, .dat, .db, .ext files under %appdata%\Microsoft\Vault\UserProfileRoaming
In addition, some of the processes in this phase were performed using the initterm function of CRT, and they had been performed before DllMain function was executed.
The backdoor commands and C2 URLs are listed in Appendix A.
Campaigns involving the same type of malware
From August to September 2024, security vendors and others published reports on the same type of malware. [1] [3] All of these campaigns have common features, such as abuse of legitimate services like Bitbucket and StatCounter, and malware persistency through COM hijacking. In addition, the decoy documents found in the recycle bin of the VHDX file used in this attack suggest that similar attacks may have been conducted in East Asian countries including Japan, South Korea, and China, which corresponds to the countries targeted in the attacks in other reports.
In Closing
This attack needs careful attention because it exploits legitimate services such as Bitbucket and StatCounter, and also because it targets East Asian countries including Japan. The samples and C2 servers of this attack are listed in the Appendix.
Tomoya Kamei (Translated by Takumi Nakano)
[1] ESET Research: Spy group exploits WPS Office zero day; analysis uncovers a second vulnerability
[2] ThreatBook CTI: Analysis of APT-C-60 Attack on South Korea
[3] 404 Advanced Threat Intelligence Team: 威胁情报 | DarkHotel APT 组织 Observer 木马攻击分析
Appendix A: Backdoor commands and the URLs for C2
Command | Function |
cd | Move to the specified directory |
ddir | List of the files in the directory |
ddel | Delete file and directory |
ld | Load DLL and call using GetProcAddress |
attach | Load DLL |
detach | Call StopThread for the specified module |
proclist | Get a list of processes |
procspawn | Start process |
prockill | Stop process |
diskinfo | Get disk information |
download | Download encrypted file |
downfree | Download unencrypted file |
screenupload | Upload screenshot |
screenauto | Send screenshot automatically |
upload | Upload file |
cmd | Remote shell |
C2 URL |
POST http[:]//103.187.26[.]176/a78550e6101938c7f5e8bfb170db4db2/command.asp |
POST http[:]//103.187.26[.]176/a78550e6101938c7f5e8bfb170db4db2/update.asp |
POST http[:]//103.187.26[.]176/a78550e6101938c7f5e8bfb170db4db2/result.asp |
POST http[:]//103.187.26[.]176/a78550e6101938c7f5e8bfb170db4db2/server.asp |
GET http[:]//103.187.26[.]176/a78550e6101938c7f5e8bfb170db4db2/listen.asp |
Appendix B: C2 information
- https[:]//c.statcounter[.]com/12959680/0/f1596509/1/
- https[:]//c.statcounter[.]com/13025547/0/0a557459/1/
- https[:]//bitbucket[.]org/hawnbzsd/hawnbzsd/downloads
- https[:]//bitbucket[.]org/hawnbzsd/hawnbzsd31/downloads
- https[:]//bitbucket[.]org/ffg84883/3r23ruytgfdxz/raw/8ebddd79bb7ef1b9fcbc1651193b002bfef598fd/cbmp.txt
- https[:]//bitbucket[.]org/ffg84883/3r23ruytgfdxz/raw/8ebddd79bb7ef1b9fcbc1651193b002bfef598fd/icon.txt
- https[:]//bitbucket[.]org/ffg84883/3r23ruytgfdxz/raw/8ebddd79bb7ef1b9fcbc1651193b002bfef598fd/rapd.txt
Appendix C: Hash value of malware
- fd6c16a31f96e0fd65db5360a8b5c179a32e3b8e
- 4508d0254431df5a59692d7427537df8a424dbba
- 7e8aeba19d804b8f2e7bffa7c6e4916cf3dbee62
- c198971f84a74e972142c6203761b81f8f854d2c
- 6cf281fc9795d5e94054cfe222994209779d0ba6
- cc9cd337b28752b8ba1f41f773a3eac1876d8233
- 5ed4d42d0dcc929b7f1d29484b713b3b2dee88e3
- 8abd64e0c4515d27fae4de74841e66cfc4371575
- 3affa67bc7789fd349f8a6c9e28fa1f0c453651f
- fadd8a6c816bebe3924e0b4542549f55c5283db8
- 4589b97225ba3e4a4f382540318fa8ce724132d5
- 1e5920a6b79a93b1fa8daca32e13d1872da208ee
- 783cd767b496577038edbe926d008166ebe1ba8c
- 79e41b93b540f6747d0d2c3a22fd45ab0eac09ab
- 65300576ba66f199fca182c7002cb6701106f91c
- d94448afd4841981b1b49ecf63db3b63cb208853
- b1e0abfdaa655cf29b44d5848fab253c43d5350a
- 33dba9c156f6ceda40aefa059dea6ef19a767ab2
- 5d3160f01920a6b11e3a23baec1ed9c6d8d37a68
- 0830ef2fe7813ccf6821cad71a22e4384b4d02b4